Not the "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" version. I have news to report. Good news: I'M FINALLY EMPLOYED!!!!!!!!!! I start Saturday. Not-so-good news: I'm at K-Mart again. But the way I'm looking at it (or at least convincing myself to look at it):
a-I'm only part-time, which means it might just be a seasonal job
b-I can always accept a position somewhere else if offered said position
c-I have a job by Christmas, which is what I wanted
d-I can start saving for JET if I'm accepted.
Not necessarily in that order, but that's the gist of it. Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me and giving me support during this rough time. Which would be everyone that reads this blog and more that don't. I am truly grateful. And to ya'll in Monterey, this means I should be able to visit more often-YAY! And friends from Tehachapi, same thing-I can actually arrange visits-YAY!
"Joy to the World"-Christmas song, artist of choice